IEH Consulting Services
Workplace Safety & HEALTH

Identifying workplace hazards and management of risk to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
Our Workplace Safety & Health Services
Gap analysis is a proactive approach to ensure your safety and health management system is effective and complying with relevant WSH and other legislation.

IEH’s gap analysis and compliance assistance service covers a wide range of assessments designed to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement. We work closely with you to identify key areas that may need immediate attention and advise on practical health and safety improvement plans and initiatives.
Our consultants are up to date with WSH and other legislation and will ensure your organisation is prepared for all your workplace health and safety obligations. Our WSH Gap Analysis service covers:
- An initial review of client’s operations, structure, existing management system, and training of employees.
- Walk through audit of the workplace.
- Discussion of results and recommendations to achieve legislative compliance.
- Documented report to client.
Risk Assessments (RA) are important in creating a healthy, safe working environment. RA helps identify hazards, evaluate risk level and prioritise risk control measures in your workplace. RA must be properly conducted in order to prevent workplace accidents and ill health.

IEH can support your RA team through the risk assessment and management process. We work to identify all significant safety and health hazards, conduct proper evaluation of the risk and recommend practical risk control measures.
Our consultants have vast experience relevant to all major commercial, industrial, and service sectors. Our Risk Assessment and Management Services areas include:
- Training and briefing for the RA and RM team.
- Joint walk through inspection of the workplace.
- Carry out exposure assessment and risk evaluation.
- Facilitate risk assessment meetings and discussion.
- Discussion of results and recommendations.
- Prepare a documented RA report.
- Recommend effective risk control measures
- Develop Safe Work Procedures.
- Establish a Permit to Work System.
- Monitoring of risk control implementation
- Facilitate relevant WSH Training.
Effective Safety and Health Management Systems (SHMS) have proven to be a key factor in reducing workplace injuries and illnesses. SHMS must be well developed and customised to meet the needs of your organisation.

IEH is a leading expert in developing and customising SHMS to meet the needs of our clients. We help our clients to successfully develop and implement SHSM which conforms to internationally recognised standards. Our consultants go beyond basic compliance and apply our understanding of the relationship between workplace exposure and disease.
Our consultants are up to date with the latest standards on management systems and our management system consultancy service covers:
- Development of SHMS which conforms to the following standards:-
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety
- SS 506 Singapore Standard on Occupational Safety and Health Management
- AS/NZS 4801 Australian Standard on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems
- Integration of SHMS into other existing management systems and procedures:-
- ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
- ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
- ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management
- ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Systems
- Training on management system implementation and maintenance.
Emergency Response Management focuses on identifying actions that must be taken to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from a possible hazard.

IEH provides expertise to assist public, commercial and industrial sector clients in developing an integrated and holistic approach to Fire & Emergency Response Management that meets the legislative requirements, corporate standards, customers expectations and social accountability.
Our fire safety and emergency response planning consultants can assist you in the following services:
- Deployment of Fire Safety Managers and routine inspections
- Fire safety risk assessment and development of fire prevention strategies
- Development and Implementation of various response plans
- Emergency Response Plan (SCDF requirements)
- Arson Prevention Plan
- In-Place Protection Plan
- Bomb/Terrorist Threat Response Plan
- Business Continuity Plan
- Crowd Control Plan
- Company Emergency Response Team (CERT), setting up team and conducting pre-audit training
- Training for Fire Wardens and other response team members
Outsourcing is an effective cost-saving strategy and a fast growing trend in many organisations. Outsourcing part or whole of the WSH function will allow the company to give greater attention to key business operational matters.

IEH deploys qualified WSH professionals to help our clients accomplish their WSH goals and objectives. Our WSH professionals have vast experience relevant to all major commercial, industrial, and service sectors.
Our range of professional deployment includes:
- Workplace Safety and Health Officers (WSHO)
- Occupational Hygiene Officers (OHO)
- Workplace Safety and Health Coordinators
- Workplace Safety and Health Supervisors
- Fire Safety Managers (FSM)
- Environmental Control Officers (ECO)